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Una Healy
Una Healy
Irish bombshell Una Healy wants to get something out of the way off the bat!

“A lot of people might think ‘oh you’re 27, aren’t you a bit old to be in a girl band?’ If anything, I just hope that I’m an inspiration to people to never give up on what you want to do.”

To that we should add a) she doesn’t look it for a second (“my mother’s genes, I’m lucky”) b) who cares anyway? and c) most importantly, she certainly isn’t kidding when it comes to the ‘don’t give up’ bit.

As a kid in Tipperary, Una had already won a national gold medal for swimming when she was nine (“when i want something I really for for it” she confirms) before she picked up her mum’s guitar and promptly taught herself to play. It wasn’t long before before she was writing her own songs, sailing through her music exams and setting her sights firmly on a music career. “I went out and bought a PA system and a car where I could let the seats down and get speakers in and I called up every single live music venue there was”.

Una’s self-determination saw her gigging four or five nights a week “for barely a crust” and even recording her own album of self-composed tunes before moving first to Dublin and then over to London eager for her big break. And with THE SATURDAYS she found it!

“I’ve wanted this for so long that even if there’s some days when I have to get up at 5 o’clock in the morning” - Una readily admits she is not really a ‘morning person’ - “I always remind myself how lucky I am to be here”.